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Edition 2019 16 January 2019

Like #Children do…

Sports, Children and Solidarity have always been our guiding star.

We told about #SPORT here.


Paulo Coelho writes in “Maktub” tales:

The teacher says: “If you have to cry, you cry like a baby, once you were a child, and one of the first things you learned in life was crying, because crying is part of life. Do not forget to be free, and that showing your emotions is not shameful. Scream, sigh loudly, make the noise you want. Because that’s how babies cry, and they know the quickest way to comfort their hearts. Have you ever noticed how children stop crying? They stop because something distracts them. Something calls them to the next adventure. Children stop crying quickly.  And so it will be for you. But only if you can cry like children do “.

Children’s emotions  are true and game is a serious matter. Investing in their training and happiness means to pay our due to build the future of the Earth. 1000 children all together every year are the time to come, they are called Future.

Continue to follow us ….

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