How to participate

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The Pulcino d'Oro is a tournament open to clubs participating in the Regional Tournaments organized throughout Italy, as well as clubs holding a Wild Card provided by the organizing committee to clubs operating in regions where the Regional Tournaments will not take place.

The International Pulcino d'Oro Tournament, which will take place in Trentino from June 15th to 18th, 2023, is open to clubs participating in the Regional Tournaments organized throughout Italy and to clubs holding the Wild Card. The Regional Tournaments will be held at Partner Clubs, carefully selected by the Pulcino d'Oro Organizing Committee. Clubs that stand out during these Regional Tournaments will have direct access to the 2023 International Pulcino d'Oro Tournament. Wild Cards will be provided by the organizing committee to clubs located in regions where the Regional Tournaments will not take place.

The International Pulcino D'Oro Tournament

The tournament is for the Pulcini category (born in 2012, 2013, and 2014, who have turned 8 years old according to their birth date). The matches will be played 6 vs 6 (5 players + goalkeeper) on small-sized fields with goals measuring 4 meters in width and 2 meters in height, using size 4 balls.
Game duration and format: Qualifying matches will consist of 3 periods of 8 minutes each. The final group stage matches, consisting of 4 teams, will be played in 3 periods of 5 minutes each. It is important to note that no team will be eliminated during the qualifying matches.
Each team will play a minimum of 10 matches between Thursday and Sunday. During these matches, there will be at least one encounter with a professional team.
The qualifying matches will start on Thursday, June 15th. The final phase will conclude on Sunday afternoon, around 6:00 PM, with the matches broadcasted live on national television.

For more information

For more information about this, write to or call Andrea Scalet (347 6597188) or Alice Zorzi (347 1293164) , tournament organizational managers.
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